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Our Story


Welcome To Our Queendom!

Why "A Cranberry Weekend?"

I created A Cranberry Weekend years ago because I was living a stress filled, busy life and didn’t have time for “ME TIME“. It started out small because I only had an hour or two to rejuvenate myself with a long hot bath, my favorite meal, and some relaxing music. Then, it grew into a whole Cranberry Weekend”. I rented my favorite hotel room (when I could) or I stayed at home, turned off the ringer and removed myself from the world. After my “Cranberry Weekend”, I was renewed and ready to take on the new challenges of life.

Recently, I realized that there are more people like me living busy, stress filled lives that could benefit from A Cranberry Weekend. So I decided to share my special recipe for renewing yourself in the midst of a busy life.

A Cranberry Weekend” can benefit so many people, from the busy housewife to the corporate executive who lives out of hotels. Oh Yeah! Let’s not forget about the college student who is stressed out over exams. Leave the Stress Behind and Reward Yourself! Have A Cranberry Weekend and Enjoy the Original Experience. You won’t regret it.

T. Williams
President & CEO
"A Cranberry Weekend, LLC”